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Purpose Statement

We are called to be an authentic Christian community;
where strangers become friends, friends become disciples, disciples impact the world

   Core Values

Core Value:   A principle, quality, belief, and/or attitude that is foundational to our community


Explanation:  A statement that further explains the Core Value


  • Hospitality We will go out of our way to welcome people as Jesus welcomed them, with an open heart and open arms.
  • God’s Church In every decision we seek to discern God’s desire. No leader, person, or ministry is more important than what God wants.
  • Relevance  Jesus successfully communicated his message by using examples and symbols of first century culture. We will be open to using examples and symbols of our culture to communicate Jesus’ message.
  • Acceptance We accept people without judgment, regardless of what has happened in their lives or where they are on their faith journeys.
  • Outward Focus We will keep the needs of the broader world before us and won’t only focus on our own congregation’s needs.
  • Investing in Future Generations Our priority is to create an atmosphere where children, youth, and young adults grow in faith.
  • Healthy Disagreement When we disagree we will encourage discussion while valuing all opinions. We will speak truth in love, treat others respectfully with dignity, and seek to remain in community.
  • Joyful Love We are released to love each other with joy because of what God has done for us. We are a community who enjoys spending time together and supporting each others’ journey.

What to Expect in Worship

You will be greeted at the front door, then you will enter the Welcome Center. You will probably be greeted again, either by the pastor or an usher. Hang your coat in the coat rack, then get a nametag, available for all, whether this is your first visit or you’ve been here hundreds of times. Coffee and water are on a cart, and you are welcome to take beverages into the worship space. 

The usher will give offer you a bulletin packet, which includes a  Communication Card, Devotion and special announcements. 

Children are invited to participate in the Kid’s Church and Nursery programs during Sunday service. Children aged 5 and under can be checked in at the nursery before the service, and elementary aged children will be dismissed during the service. Someone from the Family Ministries Team will lead the way. 

 Chain of Lakes has grown to the point of needing two worship services to accommodate everyone comfortably. The first one starts at 9am and the second, the same as the first, starts at 10:45am. The service lasts approximately one hour. Usually song lyrics, Scripture readings, and other items are on the overhead screen. Usually Pastor Paul Moore and Music Director Jan Boehm lead worship. The Praise Team leads the congregation in a mix of contemporary and traditional songs. Communion is served the first Sunday of the month. Please be sure to fill out the Communication Card and put it in the offering basket.

After worship everyone is welcome to stay a while, have a cup of coffee, and just visit if you wish. Your presence is appreciated. 

Click here to plan your visit.

February 9  Pastor Paul is starting a new sermon series called, “Everyday Life.” He will look at what people can learn from the bible about everyday issues. On this day he’ll look at what people can learn from the Bible about living with anxiety. 

February 16 As part of the “Everyday Life” series Pastor Paul will explore what each of us can learn from the Bible about grief. 

People can worship online by engaging with the Live Stream of the Sunday worship service with the link on the home page.  If you miss the service, you can watch the video later.

Click on Announcements to see what’s happening this week at Chain of Lakes, and for the list of prayer requests. 

Click on Devotions for Daily Devotions.

2650 125th Ave NE, Blaine, MN 55449

Phone – 763.465.8585

Sunday Worship Services start at 9:00am and 10:45am 

Worship Communication Card

Who is Chain of Lakes?

Chain of Lakes is an active, friendly community in the north metro where people of all races, abilities, sexual orientations and ages grow and share in their faith with all God’s people to impact the world.

This church embraces leadership of all genders, supports youth and family events and activities, celebrates varied music opportunities for all ages, and works to end youth homelessness in Anoka county.
If you are looking for a group of people who will accept you and a church who will do whatever is possible to help you in your faith life, come visit!
If you want to make a significant impact in the community, Chain of Lakes is your church!

Chain of Lakes Church is located at
2650 125th Ave NE, Blaine, MN 55449
Phone: 763.465.8585

After 10 years of worshipping in various locations, Chain of Lakes now has a church building to call HOME. Come check it out!
Chain of Lakes is a Presbyterian Church.
More information about the Presbyterian organization can be found below:


Staff - Pastor Paul 2020

Paul started his work at Chain of Lakes in March 2009 after serving for 16 years as pastor of Community Presbyterian Church in Plainview, MN. He has a BA in Political Science from Carleton College and a Master of Divinity from Union Seminar in NYC.

What Paul appreciates about his work at Chain of Lakes is leading a group of people who are so committed to being authentic, growing in personal faith, and making a significant impact in the community.

Check out his blog here to learn more of his perspectives.

Pastor Paul would enjoy having a cup of coffee with you.

Contact Paul at or 763.257.6994.

Staff Amanda

Amanda has attended Chain of Lakes Church since 2019 and began serving as the Administrator in March of 2023.  Starting January 1, 2024, Director of Family Ministry is a natural next step in Amanda’s journey of faith. She previously served as the children and youth pastor of a church in Brooklyn Park and coordinated international mission trips for youth for Compass USA.She lives in Coon Rapids with her husband and two children. Together with her husband, she also owns and operates small businesses.  She enjoys traveling, gardening, and spending time with her family.  

Contact Amanda at


Jan served as Director of Worship Ministries at Ankeny First United Methodist Church, Ankeny, Iowa, before retiring in 2016. After moving to Minnesota in 2020 to be closer to her children & grandchildren she found Chain of Lakes to be a good fit and came out of retirement. She has a BME from Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, her major instruments being piano, oboe and organ.

Jan looks forward to growing the music ministry at Chain of Lakes and enjoys helping people to discover and nurture their musical gifts.

Contact Jan at or 763.465.8585.

Charlie Clark

Charlie began serving as the Health and Healing intern at Chain of Lakes in January of 2023. He became the Minister of Health and Healing in October to assist the Deacons as they care for the congregation, while also coordinating support and recovery groups as well as educational opportunities for the congregation and community at large. Charlie is a local professional actor and singer who returned to school during the pandemic to pursue his lifelong interest in spirituality and health and received a degree in Integrative Health and Healing in May 2022. Charlie lives in the Chain of Lakes neighborhood with his wife and their three boys.

If you are interested in serving with the Health and Healing Ministry or need support for yourself,  contact Charlie:

Jody started at Chain of Lakes in February 2024. She has her Bachelor of Science degree in International Business. For the last 20 years she has been at home with her kids, but during that time she was a licensed foster parent for 8 years and provided child care for 16 years at the Church of St. Paul. Prior to having kids she worked for Target Corporation. She enjoys gardening, travel, camping, and watching her boys play lacrosse. She lives in Coon Rapids with her husband and 4 kids.

Contact Jody at


Class of 2025:
Class of 2026:

Pastor Paul Moore, Moderator


Class of 2025:
Class of 2026: 
Reach out to the Session or Deacons by contacting the church office at 763.465.8585 or