What to Expect in Worship
You will be greeted at the front door, then you will enter the Welcome Center. You will probably be greeted again, either by the pastor or an usher. Hang your coat in the coat rack, then get a nametag, available for all, whether this is your first visit or you’ve been here hundreds of times. Coffee and water are on a cart, and you are welcome to take beverages into the worship space.
The usher will give offer you a bulletin packet, which includes a Communication Card, Devotion and special announcements.
Children are invited to participate in the Kid’s Church and Nursery programs during Sunday service. Children aged 5 and under can be checked in at the nursery before the service, and elementary aged children will be dismissed during the service. Someone from the Family Ministries Team will lead the way.
Starting Sunday, September 22, 2024, there will be two services – the first one starts at 9am and the second, which will be the same as the first, starts at 10:45am. The service lasts approximately one hour. Usually song lyrics, Scripture readings, and other items are on the overhead screen. Usually Pastor Paul Moore and Music Director Jan Boehm lead worship. The Praise Team leads the congregation in a mix of contemporary and traditional songs. Communion is served the first Sunday of the month. Please be sure to fill out the Communication Card and put it in the offering basket.
After worship everyone is welcome to stay a while, have a cup of coffee, and just visit if you wish. Your presence is appreciated.
Sunday, September 15 On Fall Fun Fair Sunday, Pastor Paul will begin a two-week sermon series called, “Welcoming Spiritual Refugees.” The purpose of the series is to talk about being a welcoming community to people who have been hurt in a congregation. The title of this sermon is “Dealing with Disillusionment.”
Sunday, September 22 On the day Chain of Lakes launches into two services, Pastor Paul will share a vision of being a place of spiritual refugees.
Sunday, September 29 T. Michael Rambo, noted Twin Cities actor and deeply faithful person, will preach. Pastor Paul will assist as the Lay Reader
Sunday, October 6 Pastor Paul will begin a new sermon series called, “Talking faithfully about the dreaded word–P#$*!ics.” This is World Communion Sunday. Chain of Lakes will join churches all over the world in celebrating Communion.
People can worship online by engaging with the Live Stream of the Sunday worship service with the link on the home page. If you miss the service, you can watch the video later.
Click on Announcements to see what’s happening this week at Chain of Lakes, and for the list of prayer requests.
Click on Devotions for Daily Devotions.
2650 125th Ave NE, Blaine, MN 55449
Phone – 763.465.8585