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Grand Opening


Announcements for the Week of February 9, 2025

Welcome to worship at Chain of Lakes Church. Today Pastor Paul is starting a new series called, “Every day Life.” He is looking at how the Bible can assist us with everyday life challenges. Today he’ll look at how the Bible helps us live with anxiety and worry. 

Thanks to everyone who brought cans of soup for Souper Bowl Sunday. Put them in your favorite team’s tub. All of the food will be given to River Trail Academy, a partner of Chain of Lakes Church.

Elementary aged children(K-5th grade) are invited to participate in the Kids’ Church, and babies – preschool children are invited to participate in the Nursery program every Sunday. Children aged 5 and under can be checked in at the nursery before service, and elementary aged children will be dismissed during the service. Please fill out the check-in form in the nursery with your cell phone and child info. Parents will be contacted via text if your child needs assistance during the worship service. At the end of the service, please pick up your kids from the Nursery and Kids’ Church areas.

The Youth Group is invited to join the all church PALentine’s Party this Wednesday, February 12th, from 6:30-8:00pm. Friends are always welcome!. Save the Date: Feed My Starving Children on February 26th Youth Volunteers are also needed to serve at the Ash Wednesday Service on March 5th. Contact to sign up to be a greeter, usher, or scripture reader.

Consider leading a small group starting the week of March 9. This year the congregation will look at a curriculum designed at Church of the Resurrection called, “Meet Your Bible.” Each week participants will look and learn about a section of the Bible. The task of the leader is to recruit a small group of people to join their group, lead the group through the curriculum, and choose the time/day of the week/location of the group. . 

Leaders will recruit friends at Chain of Lakes or who are outside of Chain of Lakes to participate in the group. 

Groups are meant to be small–eight or less. The curriculum will be e-mailed to small group leaders on Monday morning. Pastor Paul will adapt it to our settings.

If you are interested, contact

Come to the Adult Enrichment series called, “How We got Here” presented by Ivy Cavegn. Throughout the series we will delve into the many historical events and personalities that shaped the church we live in today.

February 11:  Constantine and Christianity – The First State Religion
February 18: The Popes – The Good, the Bad and the Conflicted
March 18: Causes and Conflicts that Split the Church
April 15: The Pascal Mystery – the Real Meaning of Death to Life
May 20: The First Christians – What Jesus Meant to His Early Followers

The presentations will be at 7pm in the Worship Center.

Ivy Cavegn is a disciple at Chain of Lakes Church who has studied scripture and Christianity at St. Thomas University. She brings a passion for the history and background of our Christian faith traditions, along with powerful insights. Contact if you are interested

February 16 As part of the “Everyday Life” series Pastor Paul will explore what each of us can learn from the Bible about grief.

After evaluating the recent mental health and wellness group survey and looking at the schedules of the church and group facilitators, it has been decided to pause Life Support meetings until after Easter. Future meetings and information will be published here and in group emails as it becomes available. If you are currently seeking support, please reach out to your deacon or and your deacon can be notified of your desire for care.

Chair yoga next meets February 15 at 10:30am, after the Bible discussion group. Drop-ins welcome!

2-3 Volunteers are needed to coordinate a church wide prayer effort during Lent. Commitment involves less than 2 hours to organize. Sign up on the Communication card or contact Jan Boehm for more information.

Save the Date for Chain of Lakes Church annual Valentine’s Day party on Wednesday, February 12, from 6:30 – 8:00pm. This intergenerational event is for families, singles, couples & friends. Everyone is welcome! Sign up in the Commons Area or email to bring an item for the Taco Bar. Participate in group games and entertainment, enjoy the company of community and receive a special message from the Angel of Love and Joy. Sign up here to let us know you’re coming! 

Please note that the grief group will have a “bye week” this week and will pick up on Feb. 17. 

If you have lost a loved one, this series provides a supportive space for individuals experiencing loss to connect with others journeying a similar path. Join Sally Narr as she leads a series exploring eight stages of grief. Through shared experiences, participants can express emotions, learn coping strategies and find emotional support in a judgment-free environment. The group continues in the worship center on Mondays at 6:30pm and ends in March,18 and older. Mark the communication card if you are interested in attending.

Saturday, Feb. 22, 9:30am – 11:30am The Saint John’s Bible is a hand written and illustrated seven volume work of art meant to be a prophetic witness to the glory of the Word of God.  Everyone is invited to go to St. Joseph of the Lakes Catholic Church in Lino Lakes (located at 171 Elm Street) for Amy Moore’s presentation on this amazing Bible. St. Joe’s is home to a copy of the Heritage Edition, a full-size, replica of the original Saint John’s Bible.  There are only 299 copies in the world. We will have an opportunity to learn about the creation of the original, encounter the illuminations, learn fascinating information about the inspiration/relevance of the first handwritten Bible in 500 years, as well as have time to reflect on the one-of-a-kind art firsthand.
Sign up on the communication card or email

This past week Charlie Clark resigned as Minister of Health and Healing. His last day is February 28. The Session will be making decisions about moving forward. Jody Oase shared that her last day as the Administrator of Chain of Lakes will be February 27. The Personnel Team will be in charge of bringing a new staff person to be approved by the Session.

Come honor both of them at a cake shower shared by the Personnel Team on Sunday, February 23 between 10:00 and 10:45am.


Chain of Lakes lost and found basket is overflowing! If you are missing some bakeware, serving pieces, scarves, gloves, jackets, hair clips, or miscellaneous items, please check the shelf in the coat closet. Unclaimed items will be held through February 16.

If you would like to have the materials that were passed out at the Annual Meeting, pick up a copy on the table in the Commons Area. In the packet you will find goals for 2024 and 2025, important statistics, an analysis from Pastor Paul about Yay Gods and concerns at Chain of Lakes, and a complete financial report. 

2/9     Sunday         3:00pm   New Brighton Celebrate Recovery Band Rehearsal
2/9     Sunday         5:00pm   SMART Recovery
2/10   Monday        6:30pm   Stewardship/Finance
2/10   Monday        6:45pm   Deacons
2/11   Tuesday      11:00am   Staff
2/11   Tuesday        5:30pm   Connection Team
2/11   Tuesday        6:00pm   Communications Team
2/12   Wednesday   6:30pm   PALentine’s Party
2/12   Wednesday   6:30pm   Youth Group
2/15   Saturday        9:00am   Reading the Bible group
2/15   Saturday      10:30am   Soul Refresh Yoga

Volunteer for worship

Chain of Lakes is a place where you can share the gifts and passions God has given you.
Learn about God and express praise through various volunteer activities that help this community to worship God. To sign up or learn more, please contact Chain of Lakes at 763.208.8049 or
Lead Music
From bluegrass, to choir, to children with their bells, Chain of Lakes is singing a new song unto the Lord!
The worship music team rotates between a dedicated group of volunteer musicians from Chain of Lakes weekly. 
If you are a musician looking to use your gifts in a ministry setting, you are welcome here. Instrumentalists and vocalists are encouraged to inquire and become a part of how God is using musicians at Chain of Lakes.
Other Leadership Roles
click on each description below for more information:

Small groups

Adult Enrichment, Small Groups, Health & Healing Ministry Workshops and Programs – Why participate? To connect with others, grow in faith, learn and have fun!  
Sign up at  Groups meet at Chain of Lakes Church, 2650 125th Ave NE, Blaine, MN unless otherwise specified

Reading Through the Bible with a 5 Day Plan
Everyone is invited to read through the Bible in 2025. This special Bible reading system allows you to read the entire Bible in one year while only reading five times a week. Five readings a week gives room to catch up or take a day off and makes daily Bible reading practical and do-able. The plan doesn’t require a specific version of
the Bible. Printed copies are available at the church, or go to to download the schedule.

Those who decide to commit to reading through the Bible are encouraged to take part in every-other-week discussion groups, though you may also choose to read without attending a group. The next meetings at Chain of Lakes are:
Saturday, Feb. 15, 9am led by Judy Chesla and Kathy Brevig
Thursday, Feb. 20, 10am led by Sonia Larson and Kathy Brevig

“How We Got Here”
An Overview of the History of Christianity

This 5-part Adult Enrichment series at Chain of Lakes starts Tuesday, February 11, 7pm – “Constantine and Christianity – the First State Religion” Throughout the series we will delve into the many historical events and personalities that shaped the church we live in today.

Future topics and dates:
February 18, 7pm: The Popes – The Good, the Bad and the Conflicted
March 18, 7pm: Causes and Conflicts that Split the Church
April 15, 7pm: The Pascal Mystery – the Real Meaning of Death to Life
May 20, 7pm: The First Christians – What Jesus Meant to His Early Followers

Ivy Cavegn is a disciple at Chain of Lakes Church who has studied scripture and Christianity at St. Thomas University. She brings a passion for the history and background of our Christian faith traditions, along with powerful insights. Sign up on the communication card or email

Special Presentation on the Saint John’s Bible – Saturday, Feb. 22, 9:30am – 11:30am at St. Joseph of the Lakes

The Saint John’s Bible is a hand written and illustrated seven volume work of art meant to be a prophetic witness to the glory of the Word of God.  We will go to St. Joseph of the Lakes in Lino Lake (located at 171 Elm Street) for Amy Moore’s presentation on this amazing Bible. St. Joe’s is home to a copy of the Heritage Edition, a full-size, replica of the original Saint John’s Bible.  There are only 299 copies in the world. We will have an opportunity to learn about the creation of the original, encounter the illuminations, learn fascinating information about the inspiration/relevance of the first handwritten Bible in 500 years, as well as have time to reflect on the one-of-a-kind art firsthand. Sign up on the communication card or contact

SMART Recovery group

The Health and Healing Ministry is pleased to partner with SMART Recovery for a weekly Sunday evening gathering at 5pm in the commons area.

Navigating the Terrain of Grief
Join Sally Narr as she leads a grief series that explores the eight stages of grief. If you have lost a loved one, this series provides a supportive space for individuals experiencing loss to connect with others who are journeying a similar path. Through shared experiences, participants can express emotions, learn coping strategies and find emotional support in a judgment-free environment. The series meets on Mondays, beginning January 27, skipping February 10, at 6:30pm and ends in March, to be determined by the group. 18 and older. Contact
if you are interested.

Life Support
After evaluating the recent mental health and wellness group survey and looking at the schedules of the church and group facilitators, it has been decided to pause Life Support meetings until after Easter. Future meetings and information will be published here and in group emails as it becomes available. If you are currently seeking support, please reach out to your deacon or and your deacon can be notified of your desire for care.


Soul Refresh Yoga

Class instructor: Maria Douglas. Maria is a physical therapist and 200 hour registered yoga instructor. She has been teaching yoga for 20 years.

Sessions are offered the first and third Saturdays at 10:30am in the worship center. The next sessions will be Feb. 15 and March 1. 

Adaptive yoga is a style of yoga that considers all bodies and abilities. It’s accessible to everyone, and multiple variations are taught, allowing the poses to be adapted to specific needs and abilities Instead of conforming the body into specific poses, adaptive yoga fits the movements to what the body is able to do.

This class invites those with physical limitations that may make it difficult to participate in more traditional mainstream yoga classes. It is for those who may not have even thought they could DO yoga.

Many options and modifications will be explored to provide comfort and ease during the yoga practice.

People without physical limitations can also benefit from this type of practice as well. It is a faith-integrated practice that incorporates the concept of body, mind and spirit in a holistic manner.

The class is taught using a chair.  Standing poses are also taught and the chair can be used for balance support as needed.  

Wear loose comfortable clothing.

A free will donation of $5 per class is suggested.

Consider bringing a friend!

What in Health?

Valentine’s Day Edition

Valentine’s Day often comes wrapped in red roses, heart-shaped candies, and the idea that it’s all about romance. But love is so much bigger than that—it’s a force that connects us all, whether we’re single, coupled, or somewhere in between.

Did you know that love, in all its forms, is actually good for your health? Strong social connections—friendships, family bonds, community ties, even the love you share with pets—can boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and even help you live longer. And here’s the best part: self-love is just as powerful. Taking time to care for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being isn’t selfish—it’s essential. Rest, movement, nourishing food, creative expression, and even setting healthy boundaries are all acts of love toward yourself.

This Valentine’s Day, celebrate the many ways love shows up in your life. Write a heartfelt note to a friend, share a laugh with someone you care about, volunteer in your community, or treat yourself to something that makes your heart happy. Whether it’s a quiet moment of gratitude or a loud, joyful gathering, love is everywhere—and it’s good for your health.

Prayer Group & Prayer Requests

Members of the Chain of Lakes Prayer Group pray over the requests that are received at Chain of Lakes each week.  Let Chain of Lakes pray for you! Fill out the Communication Card on the About page to send a prayer request, or email the church office:  or call 763.465.8585. Also contact the church office for more information or to be a part of the Prayer Group. 

Chain of Lakes first season of Wonderful Wednesdays has concluded. Please take part in the various summer events and small groups, and then Wonderful Wednesdays will start a new season in September.

What happens at Chain of Lakes’ Wonderful Wednesdays?  Dinner, Youth Group, Speakers and Small Groups

  • 6:00pm A meal and fellowship will be shared by youth and adults in the Chain of Lakes worship space
  • 6:30pm Youth Group will go to the Youth area with representatives of the Youth Council
  • 6:30pm Adults hear a presentation or attend a small group.

Wonderful Wednesdays are open for anyone to attend – all are welcome. 

Ministry Teams

More information about each team can be provided by each team’s respective team lead. Contact the church office to reach any of the team members: 763.465.8585 or
Is your team creating an event for the church? Please fill out this Communications Form to help the Communications Team promote the event! Ideally the form will be filled out two months before the event. Contact Pastor Paul Moore at ifyou have questions about the form.
Chris Audet, Ashley Gramling, Chris Krebsbach (Lead), Pastor Paul Moore (staff)
Heather Butterfield (Lead), Gloria Ivers, Kate Lawrence, Pastor Paul Moore (staff)
Building, Grounds & Technology
 Bob Bushard, Amy Cory, Steve Cory, Paul Edgett (Lead), John Ivers, Pastor Paul Moore (staff), Dick Pederson
Local Impact
Janice Aanenson (Lead), Jeff and Maria Douglas, Sarah Green, Pastor Paul Moore (staff), Dick Pederson, Ann Raschka, Ann Turner

Jolene Altrichter, Greta Clark (Lead), Val Owens,  Pastor Paul Moore (staff)

Adult Enrichment Small Group Planning
Kathy Brevig, Ivy Cavegn (Lead), Judy Chesla, Charlie Clark, Sonia Larson, Pastor Paul Moore (staff) 
Volunteer Empowerment
Jolene Altrichter, Pastor Paul Moore (staff)

John Altrichter (Lead), Gina Bloomfield, John Ivers, Sara Lord, Dave Nyberg, Pastor Paul Moore (staff), Jordan Serfling, Bruce Turner

Whitney Berre. Jan Boehm (staff), Lois Bushard, Paul Edgett, Aaron Lawrence, Pastor Paul Moore (staff)
Family Ministries Team
 Amy Cory, Kayla Flanagan, Val Owens,  Jordan Serfling, Amanda Serfling (staff)
Youth Council
Chris Audet, Bob Bushard, Heather Butterfield, Amanda Serfling (staff)