Grand Opening
Announcements for the Week of September 15, 2024
Welcome to worship at Chain of Lakes. Today Pastor Paul is beginning a new sermon series called, “Welcoming Spiritual Refugees.” The title of today’s sermon is “Dealing with disillusionment.” We are commissioning the campaign team who will be leading the next three year campaign to pay for the church building and other items. Welcome to Brittany Wells from “River Trail Learning Center” who will share a presentation. And this is the last Sunday that Chain of Lakes will have one worship service. We’ll talk about what will happen starting next Sunday when worship will take place at 9am and 10:45am.
Elementary aged children(K-5th grade) are invited to participate in the Kids’ Church, and babies – preschool children are invited to participate in the Nursery program every Sunday. Children aged 5 and under can be checked in at the nursery before service, and elementary aged children will be dismissed during the service. Please fill out the check-in form in the nursery with your cell phone and child info. Parents will be contacted via text if your child needs assistance during the worship service. At the end of the service, please pick up your kids from the Nursery and Kids’ Church areas.
Youth Group News
Save the Date: Youth Group Kickoff on October 2nd from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. Youth Group is for students in 6th – 12th grade.
All families with children and students, please take a moment at the information table to register your family for youth and children programs and events at Chain of Lakes Church. Please complete a Family Ministries Registration form with your contact information as well as your children’s names, ages, birthdates and other important information. Contact with any questions.
The Mental Health and Wellness Group will meet next on September 29th after worship. If you are interested in staying in touch with the group through our email list, please sign up on the communication card or the sign-up sheet in the commons area.
Psalm 65:10
You water its furrows abundantly, settling its ridges, softening it with showers, and blessing its growth.
Chain of Lakes Church is announcing the Growing with Purpose Capital Campaign to raise funds for making our required mortgage payments over the next three years (2025-2028) and campus enhancements. This is a special effort for initiatives/projects we are unable to fund through our annual operating budget. With that said, we will be doing this campaign in coordination with our Annual Stewardship.
Additional information will be shared over the next couple of months before households are asked to make a commitment to the Annual Stewardship (1 year) and Capital Campaign (3 years) in November.
We ask that you pray for God’s guidance throughout this process, as well as the campaign volunteers and entire congregation. This is an important moment in our church’s history and we thank you for your interest!
The Chain of Lakes Bowling League starts September 9, at 6:45pm. This league is special as it’s 9-pin no-tap and only runs for 10 weeks. All skill levels are welcome. Children age 12 and over are invited to join with a parent. The cost is $12 per person per night. Talk to Alice Nyberg or contact for more information.
Tuesdays September 10 – October 15 from 5:30 – 6:15pm. Adaptive yoga considers all bodies and abilities and fits the movements to what the body is able to do. The class will be taught using a chair. Standing poses will also be taught and the chair can be used for balance support as needed. A free will donation of $5 per class is suggested. Instructor: Maria Douglas. Sign up on the communication card or contact
On Sunday, September 15, Brittany Wells from “River Trail Learning Center”, will be speaking to our congregation. Brittany will be sharing what the needs of their program are. River Trail Learning Center is one of our faith partners that serve students who are on an I.E.P. who have significant emotional/behavioral needs.
A food truck, bouncy houses, face painting, large tent, and lots of fun. Come to Fall Fun Fair which will happen today between noon and 2pm.
The Connection Team is sponsoring a Get to Know You gathering on Monday, September 16 at 6:30pm. This is the first step in a two-step process in joining Chain of Lakes. In this gathering people will have the opportunity to get to know another person and hear more about Pastor Paul’s story. Sign up on the Communication card.
Because of the increase in worship attendance the Session has voted to begin two services on Sunday, September 22. Worship services will be offered at 9am and 10:45am. Each service will be identical and ministry with kids will be offered at each service. Yay, God, for this development of Chain of Lakes Church!
If you know what worship service you will be attending next Sunday, mark the Communication card.
Click here if you would like to read the report or responses to frequently asked questions.
When Chain of Lakes begins two services next Sunday, oral announcements by non-staff people will have to be done at both services and will have to be communicated to the office by Thursday. No last minute oral announcements will happen.
The Family Ministries Team is looking for individuals to serve on the planning team for Trunk or Treat this year. This commitment includes around 3-4 hours of planning time as well as attending and helping facilitate the event. Trunk or Treat will take place on Sunday, October 27th, time TBD. Check the communication card if you can help plan this fun community event!
If you cannot worship in person, consider worshiping through the Live Stream which begins at 10:30am on Sundays. Go to to find it. A group has worked very hard to present a high quality live stream experience of worship. The video of worship will be placed at on Sunday afternoon.
Sunday, September 22 On the day Chain of Lakes launches into two services, Pastor Paul will share a vision of being a place of spiritual refugees.
Sunday, September 29 T. Michael Rambo, noted Twin Cities actor and deeply faithful person, will preach. Pastor Paul will assist as the Lay Reader
Sunday, October 6 Pastor Paul will begin a new sermon series called, “Talking faithfully about the dreaded word–P#$*!ics.” This is World Communion Sunday. Chain of Lakes will join churches all over the world in celebrating Communion.
The Local Impact Team is organizing a group of walkers from Chain of Lakes for the 4K fundraising walk for HOPE 4 Youth. The walk is Friday, October 4 at Bunker Hill. The walk starts at 6:30 with a welcome program at 6:15pm. The team name for Chain of Lakes is Chain of Lakes Church Fireflies. Register for the walk under that name at The early bird special lasts through September 7, $30 for adults, $15 for children. Invite a friend to join you. How many people can we get on our team this year?
Sign up in the Commons Area of the church or contact
You are invited to join the discussion as we explore reconstructing, rehabilitating, reconciling and reimagining church and faith. Everyone is on a spiritual journey, learning and embracing a relationship with God in their own way. Oftentimes on the way there can be disappointment in both God, religion, and in people. These roadblocks can oftentimes derail a journey of faith. The goal of this group is to create a safe, sacred space to “regroup” your faith as we share and grow together. If you have ever hit a similar bump on the road, this is a place for you to share your experience or learn from others who have walked a similar path. Join the discussion at 6pm on October 10, “Why people don’t do church.” Two more discussions will occur on October 24 and November 7 at 6pm. Sign up on the communication card or the sign-up sheet in the commons area.
The Worship Team is looking for individuals who would enjoy being a Lay Reader on Sunday mornings. Is that you? It doesn’t require much time but the impact on individuals attending worship is meaningful. Simple instructions and actual verses are provided. If you’re interested in volunteering once every month or two, contact Jan Boehm at or show your interest on the communication card. Thanks!
Chain of Lakes will host a Craft Fair on Saturday, November 9th from 9am – 2pm.
Chain of Lakes will be hosting a Craft Fair on Saturday, November 9th from 9am – 2pm. Click here for crafter and vendor booth registration details
Consider volunteering at the Roasted Corn booth on Saturdays from 7am – 2pm at the St. Paul Farmers Market. This is a fundraising opportunity for the church on Saturdays until the end of September. If you would like more information or would like to help, sign up at the table in the Commons Area or contact
Every spring and fall, Chain of Lakes is responsible for picking up and bagging trash on a two-mile stretch of 125th Avenue. Meet at Perkins in Blaine at 9am and/or at 10am at the church property. Clean-up will take about two hours. Safety vests and garbage bags are provided. Dress for the weather. Contact Dick Pederson at for more information. Sign up in the commons area.
9/15 Sunday 11:30am Fall Fun Fair
9/16 Monday 5:30pm Cascade HOA
9/16 Monday 6:30pm Get to Know You Gathering
9/17 Tuesday 11:00am Staff
9/17 Tuesday 1:00pm Personnel Team
9/17 Tuesday 2:30pm Small Group Planning
9/17 Tuesday 4:00pm Capital Campaign
9/17 Tuesday 5:30pm Soul Refresh Yoga
9/17 Tuesday 6:30pm Communications/Marketing
9/18 Wednesday 6:00pm Stream Team
9/18 Wednesday 7:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal
9/19 Thursday 6:30pm Session