Grand Opening
Announcements for the Week of March 30, 2025
Welcome to worship at Chain of Lakes Church. Today Pastor Paul is continuing a sermon series called, “Meet Your Bible.” He will focus on the writing section of the Old Testament and share how it is relevant for our lives today.
A special thanks to the Vocal Ensemble for sharing their musical gifts.
Elementary aged children(K-5th grade) are invited to participate in the Kids’ Church, and babies – preschool children are invited to participate in the Nursery program every Sunday. Children aged 5 and under can be checked in at the nursery before service, and elementary aged children will be dismissed during the service. Please fill out the check-in form in the nursery with your cell phone and child info. Parents will be contacted via text if your child needs assistance during the worship service. At the end of the service, please pick up your kids from the Nursery and Kids’ Church areas.
The Youth Group will be gathering from 630-8:00pm this week. The youth space will be under construction. With decent weather, we will have youth group outdoors. Bring a sweatshirt for outside games and hang out!
The Easter Carnival is back at Chain of Lakes Church this year on April 12, 2025 from 10am -1pm. This event is free and open to the public. Each child will receive free tickets to participate in carnival games, families can do a PEEPS Scavenger Hunt and concessions will be available for purchase.
Families are encouraged to consider giving back by participating in a food drive for Hope 4 Youth. Donations of snack-size and single-serving foods are most helpful: Microwavable cups of soup, noodles, mac n cheese, fruit cups, beef jerky, snacks, tuna, chicken, etc. Volunteers are needed! Sign up on the Communication Card or in the Commons Area. Candy and non candy items are being collected for prizes.
Volunteer areas: Concessions, Registration, Games, Parking, Guest Connector, Setup (Friday), Cleanup (Saturday)
Questions? Contact Amanda at
Laura Lynch started this past week as the Administrator of Chain of Lakes Church. Laura most recently worked as a project coordinator for Youth Frontiers. She shares music lessons from her studio. Laura will be working three days a week. Please welcome her when you see her in the office.
You can still participate in a “Meet Your Bible” small group during Lent. For five weeks participants will have the opportunity to learn about the basics of the Scriptures. Through readings and talks people will grow in their understanding of the storyline of the Bible.
Choose a group:
- Tuesdays at 6:30pm Maria Douglas will lead a group at her home in Andover
- Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Pastor Paul will lead a group at the church
- Thursdays at 10am Val Owens will lead a group at the church
- Saturdays at noon Kate Lawrence will lead a group at her home in Blaine.
Email if you are interested.
March 30 In the “Meet Your Bible” series Pastor Paul will talk about the writings section of the New Testament.
Please mark your calendars for these opportunities right before and during Holy Week
Saturday, April 12 The Easter Carnival is from 10am to 1pm.
Sunday, April 13 Enjoy Palm Sunday worship at 9am and 10:45am. Wave palms and be ready to shout “Hosanna!”
Tuesday, April 15: The Pascal Mystery – the Real Meaning of Death to Life
Thursday, April 17 Come enjoy soup at 6:30 followed by worship with Communion at 7pm
Sunday, April 20 He is risen! He is risen indeed! Come celebrate Easter during worship shared at 9am and 10:45am. Invite a friend.
Starting tomorrow through Friday the floors in the Worship Center, Commons Area and Youth Space will be polished. This will be a significant improvement to the building of Chain of Lakes. While the floors are being polished, none of these spaces are available for ministry this week.
This work is the next step organized by the Interior Improvement Implementation Work Group.
You can help by moving materials after the 10:45am service to the stage. Pam Graves is coordinating this particular project. The Session and Building Grounds & Technology Team have shared approval.
Other members of the team are Jolene Altrichter (chair), Kathy Brevig, David Nyberg & Val Owens.
Yay, God for this significant upgrade to our church building!
This year the Stepping Up 4 HOPE walk will be Sunday, May 18 from 2 to 4pm. Save the date! This is a fundraising walk whose proceeds will be divided between Stepping Stone and HOPE 4 Youth. Mark your calendars!
Please join us for another joyful opportunity to volunteer at Feed My Starving Children, 401 93rd Ave, Coon Rapids, Wednesday, April 9, at 7pm. We are hoping to get 40 volunteers for this event. Adults and children are welcome. There are even tasks for those who need to sit rather than stand. Mark your calendars for helping with this good cause. A sign-up sheet is on the sign up table. Or contact
Come to the Adult Enrichment series called, “How We got Here” presented by Ivy Cavegn. Throughout the series we will delve into the many historical events and personalities that shaped the church we live in today.
April 15: The Pascal Mystery – the Real Meaning of Death to Life
May 20: The First Christians – What Jesus Meant to His Early Followers
The presentations will be at 7pm in the Worship Center.
Ivy Cavegn is a disciple at Chain of Lakes Church who has studied scripture and Christianity at St. Thomas University. She brings a passion for the history and background of our Christian faith traditions, along with powerful insights. Contact if you are interested
The men of the church have traditionally organized ministries for women on Mother’s Day. If you would like to be part of a Planning Team, sign the Communication card. Time requirements are two meetings–which can be on Zoom, and time on Mother’s Day which is Sunday, May 11.
Ashley Gramling and the Communications/Marketing team are organizing a new video ministry called “People of Chain of Lakes.” Ashley would do a video interview of one minute of people who participate. The person talking would share some basic, fun info about themselves and something about the congregation. The video will be short—only one minute. It would be posted on the Facebook and Instagram pages of Chain of Lakes. If interested, sign the Communication card.
3/30 Sunday 5:00pm SMART Recovery
4/1 Tuesday 11:00am Staff
4/1 Tuesday 6:30pm Maria Douglas’s Lent Small Group
4/1 Tuesday 6:30pm Local Impact
4/2 Wednesday 6:30 pm Youth Group
4/2 Wednesday 6:30pm Pastor Paul’s Lent Small Group
4/3 Thursday 10:00am Val Owens’ Lent Small Group
4/4 Friday 1:00pm Edgewood Senior Living Volunteering
4/5 Saturday 12:00pm Kate Lawrence’s Lent Small Group