Welcome to Chain of Lakes!
Chain of Lakes is a welcoming and accepting group of people. Come experience dynamic music, inspirational preaching, and high quality ministry for children. If you’d like to come, please click on the teal button below!
Chain of Lakes Church in Blaine is a new Presbyterian church located at
2650 125th Avenue NE , Blaine, MN 55449 | 763.465.8585

Who is Chain of Lakes?
Chain of Lakes is committed to helping people grow in faith, wherever they are on their faith journey. This church is a friendly bunch of people; newcomers often note the sense of acceptance they feel. You will be given tools to help grow in your relationship with God.
Chain of Lakes is also committed to making an impact in the community…whether organizing fundraisers or meals to help community members who are homeless; volunteering at food shelves to help those who are food-insecure; or advocating for LGBTQ+ and racial justice.

What to Expect
Upon arrival, someone will greet you at the front door. The greeter will welcome you. There is a welcome table in the entry area where you can fill out a name tag and pick up a bulletin. The facility is wheelchair accessible. Coffee is hot and ready!
Kids can stay with their family in the worship center through the first two songs, then go to Sunday Circles or the Little Saints room, or continue to stay with their family. The service lasts about 1 hour. The service starts at 10:30am.